Monday, 1 September 2014

Finally completed the not-so-round doll

Took a little longer to complete this doll as I picked up a new craft, Tatting, last week. My first tallest doll standing at 35cm height. Redo the pattern for his body and limbs quite a few times but it’s all worth it! I had some fun ‘playing’ with his long arms and legs. :)

2014-09-01 09.15.32

2014-09-01 09.14.38

2014-09-01 09.12.49

2014-09-01 09.11.58

2014-09-01 09.11.42

2014-09-01 09.10.23

2014-09-01 09.08.35

(Took these photos last night so the lighting wasn’t very good) 2014-09-01 03.48.06

2014-09-01 03.41.35

 2014-09-01 03.39.57

Next, I hope to come up with a girl version for this not-so-round doll ;)

Tatting #40 Yarn vs #20 Yarn

I did and completed my 2nd piece tatting piece! This time round, I tatted with a thinner yarn … #40 cotton yarn!

Really no joke working with thin yarn… My eyes worked doubly hard. LOL … but I like the end result as it more lacy.

2014-08-31 14.14.16

I think 1 or 2 rings still not as the same shape as the other 3. They appeared to be slightly bigger. Any tips to share from experienced tatters?

Oh, another point that I learnt from my 1st project, is to learn how to control the tension. I pulled pretty tight for my first project and unknowing I ‘cut’ myself while pulling the yarn >_<

Pardon my fat fingers... haha

Pardon my fat fingers... haha